Fedora  distro ["first steps"]

Fedora distro ["first steps"]

a brief walk trough and productivity setup when starting to use Fedora


1 min read

Like with any bistro the crucial part before anny distro hopp is the research. What to do after a clean install? Before i continue i need to thank mr. Brandon Hopkins aka Techut @ YouTube for his remarkable video of 5 crucial steps what to do after install and useful links of "how-to's. As he mentions in his video the first thing you should do is ofcourse is open your terminal and enter :

sudo nano /etc/dnf/dnf.conf

Then after the Document opens add additional lines in dnf.conf: fastestmirror=True max_parallel_downloads=10 defaultyes=True

Run : sudo dnf update (It should run flaster now) and after the update be shurr to enable RPM / Third party repository, and enable multimedia codecs. Really usefull guidelines can be found in fedora Documentation site :

RPM Fusion Installing plugins for movies and music After those crucial steps I really enjoy Fedora and I Keep on coming back to it, no matter what distro I try.